"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

Blessing Backpacks for the Homeless

sewing machines for women in india to generate an income for their families
My father has visited India on past mission trips and introduced us to Real India Ministries. Pastor Jayakumar Garnipudi and his wife, Suji, do so much to help their community! Along with visiting rural areas to teach people how to read and write, feeding dozens of children on a daily basis, gifting hundreds of children with Christmas boxes containing toys and necessities each year, they also help operate a sewing school that teaches women how to sew, which in turn, helps them generate an income for their families. I LOVE this! We have purchased sewing machines towards their mission and it is so cool seeing how it changes the lives of these women! Check out the photos below that pastor Jay has sent of the women receiving their sewing machines and of some of the clothing items they have made!
If you are interested in helping their cause, you can donate in several ways:
Mail a check to a representative for their ministry who lives in the United States at the following address:
Real India Ministries
149 W Plum Street
South Elgin, IL 60177 USA
Donate via PayPal:
User Name = garnipudi@usa.com
To learn more about Real India Ministries, visit: